About Us

Are You Wondering Who We Are?

Well....we are a Christian, cyber, homeschool entity that was created to provide a resource to homeschooling families in Garrett County, MD, and the surrounding area. But once the website went up, we found that homeschooling families all over the country started showing an interest in the information contained on the site. Therefore, all homeschooling families are welcome, but please be advised that some things on the website may be applicable to only homeschoolers in the Garrett County, MD area.

Our mission is to:

  1. Provide information about homeschool
  2. Provide information about homeschool cirriuculums and "first-hand experiences" from parents who have used those cirruculums.
  3. Share advice and information about various things that pertain to homeschool
  4. Outline local homeschool groups and resources in the community
  5. Share information about local and regional events that may be relevant to homeschool
  6. Provide information about supplimental resources for homeschoolers
  7. Allow homeschooling families and groups to share important information and things that they have learned about homeschool that other families may want to know.
  8. Provide a forum for an "Exceptional Work Gallery" to display outstanding student work publically on the website.

We are not affiliated with any specific church or organization. Our staff are all actively involved in homeschool and have been for years. We believe in homeschool and want to support the families who work so hard to provide their children a "top-notch" education outside the public school system.

You can reach us by e-mail to staff@localhomeschool.org. Please be advised that we do not have a full-time staff, so a reply may not be very timely.

Note about the website: This website is being constructed by a Web Development student. It is being done completely with coding, without the help of builder or developer tools, as part of the student's learning. There are many complex coding skills that are needed to make a website able to be viewed in mulitple browsers and on different size devices. Therefore, we ask for your patience as our student learns more of the higher-level skills.

If you find that the website is having issues in the browser you are using, please try another browser. We have had some issues with a couple of the browsers.

Thank you for your patience.

Manxx Sapphire Design and Development, 2022© All rights reserved.