Reflections: A Homeschool Blog

Student Creatives

My Newspaper Article: That I Wrote for the Beacon for Excelsior Classes - Click to Read

Student Newspaper Article
A student's work in Newspaper Club, Elisa age 13.

"My American History"

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue;

Forget Columbus;

In 1665, 7th Great Grandpa Samuel made it over here alive;

Now there's all of us.

-Elizabeth, age 13

"Playin the Blues"

(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star")

Daddy gave me a guitar;

Said I would go really far;

Gave my neighbors such a fright;

When I played it through the night.

Now I'm playing on the road;

To a little, tiny toad.

-Candice, age 11

"Public Opinion"

Someone told me I was fat;

Now, I'm stretching on a mat;

Peddling fast, Jogging slow;

Row and row, nowhere I go;

Now, they say I'm way too thin;

And, I'm eating tons again.

-More from Candice, Age 11

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