
How to Send in a Submission

Our vision for this website is for it to be a place where homeschooling families can share with each other, and for that reason, we welcome your submissions.

We encourage you to send in the following:

  • Advice for other homeschooling families - about curriculums or homeschool in general
  • Student work for the gallery - select some of your students' best work and send it in for possible display in our gallery
  • Information about homeschooling resources
  • Information about events
  • Suggestions for things that you would like to see covered in the Blog

Of course, there are a few rules:

  • Submissions must come from a Parent or Guardian over age 18 - This is due to CIPA guidelines, which specify that we cannot accept personal information from children under the age of 18.
  • You need to let us know you want your submission considered for the website - Telling us this gives us your permission, which we need in order to post it on the site.
  • We will decide what gets posted on the site - You expect quality content, and because of that, we will be screening all submissions and selecting the ones that offer the most benefit to homeschooling families.
  • Submissions must come from the person owning the material or the parent or guardian of that person. If not, you need to let us know - If you are sending in something you found elsewhere, you need to tell us that and give us informaiton about where you obtained it. For example, if you saw a very good post about homeschool somewhere and want to share it, that is fine, but you need to tell us where you found it. Depending upon what it is, we may need to address copyright laws or give proper credit to the original source.
  • Don't send in anything offensive - It won't get posted, and if it is illegal you could get in trouble
  • Please tell us if you want your name included with your submission - Homeschoolers in Garrett County are like a big family, and it is more personal with a name. But, you can remain annonomous if you so choose. But, you have to tell us that. If you don't, we will assume you want your name printed. To avoid confusion, please tell us either way.
  • While we are on the subject of names, we cannot print full names for students under age 18 - We will use a first name only or you can send us an alias to use instead.
  • We cannot print contact information for families or individuals - We don't want to be responsible for someone stalking you because they don't like your comments about their favorite curriculum.
  • Don't even try to get us to print an ad for your non-homeschool related business - We are not the next great place to post an ad for Avon or Tupperware. On the other hand, if you are selling something that is specifically homeschool related, you are welcome to contact us and see if you are a good fit. But, keep in mind, though Tupperware makes high-quality lunchboxes, and your ad pitch might be that students can hike around the outside of the house at lunch time to pretend they've gone to the cafeteria, no matter how you try to twist it, some businesses would not be in the public's mind as greatly sought-after homeschool products.
  • Use the Submission Form to send in your submissions because it will let you know what information we need - However, if for some reason you have trouble submitting the form, you can send your submissions via email to: Just make sure you include all the information requested on the Submission Form.
  • Gallery submission per child may be limited - Depending upon how many submission we have in the gallery at the time. Gallery items may also be removed after one year, or sooner if need be, to allow for new submissions.
  • To have a submission removed from the site - You just need to let us know in writing that you want it removed. You can do so through email, but we need to be able to verify that the email is coming from the individual who originally made the submission.

Please allow several weeks to see your submission posted. All of our staff is volunteer, and they work other jobs, so please be patient.

When you send in a submission, we will acknowledge it. If you don't get a reply in a couple weeks, please send it again, as emails don't always arrive at their destination.

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