UMGC Online College

University of Maryland Global Campus

University of Maryland Global Campus does not offer dual enrollment classes. Students need to have graduated in order to attend, but if a student plans to attend there are some major considerations that student should address while in high school.

University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) is a strictly online version of University of Maryland. Therefore, students can attend from anywhere. They have a diverse selection of majors and minors, and if you attend a community college in Maryland, and graduate with an Associates degree, you can get your Bachelor's Degree there for around $12,000. So, there are many perks.

I attended UMGC to obtain a Bachelor's after graduating from Garrett College and was very happy with the education I received. I can highly recommend them for both quality and pricing.

One very important consideration, however, is the fact that most four year universities do not take all of the credits from Garrett College, and UMGC is no exception. Therefore, it is extremely important that students who are wanting to dual enroll in Garrett for homeschooling classes contact UMGC to find out what will transfer before taking classes. Sadly, Garrett College advisors told me that most of the classes would transfer. That is not the case. Instead of asking Garrett's advisors, I recommend that you contact UMGC advisors instead.

I can see why so many classes don't transfer. The education at UMGC is far superior to Garrett, and I found myself wishing I could have taken all 120 credits at UMGC simply because of the quality of the education. However, from a financial standpoint, it would not have been possible for me.

As far as the difference in learning between the two, Garrett College has a more traditional learning environment with long textbook passages to read in many classes. UMGC uses a more contemporary platform that combines short articles with hands-on projects and discussions. Having difficulties with concentration at times, I found UMGC's platform much more conducive to learning.

UMGC is a great way to complete a college education to a Bachelor's or Masters from home for those students who don't want to "go away" to college. And there are scholarships out there for students that take the time to seek them.

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